Sacred Motherhood Circle - Reduced

Sacred Motherhood Circle - Reduced


Motherhood is a deeply transformative experience. It is a time when we are pulled open and invited to connect to our deepest soul-longing. Motherhood is a spiritual journey during which we are asked to become radically honest with ourselves about who we want to be. We must face the loss of one identity and traverse sacred terrain to claim a new one that reconnects us to our soul, our voice, and our power.

Motherhood involves moving from the Maiden archetype to the Mother archetype. Unfortunately, the predatory systems we live in prevent us from being truly seen and held on this journey. They deny us the space we need to dissolve on our way to being reborn into the new energies awaiting us. It is not an accident that these predatory systems have enforced a reality where birthing folx and parents are not resourced and supported, where the nervous system does not have time to integrate the tremendous changes that come with birth and postpartum. We’ve forgotten our essence, and being forced to focus on survival within these systems has meant succumbing to unhelpful illusions and barriers.

But giving birth and/or becoming a mother shatters them, allowing us a fresh opportunity to grow in foundational ways. Transformation takes time and patience. It requires tending and deep acknowledgement. It requires rituals and ceremonies to honor the death of who we once were and the birth of who emerges. The space between nothing and becoming is sacred and vital to the transformation process.

The Sacred Motherhood Circle is where we come together in circle to create communal ritual and ceremony to honor the massive transitions and transformations of motherhood. We gather to celebrate, to mourn, to connect to our radical truths, to move the fears and dense emotions so we are better able to hear our intuition, and to connect with our voice and our power. Together, we channel all the ways that mothering is a revolutionary act in the service of manifesting a new, expansive, inclusive world.

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